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DMFundingPlans Methods

The DMFundingPlans type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberDM_FundingPlanOutstandingNominal (Debt model) Return outstanding nominal for a funding plan object at a given date.
Public methodStatic memberDMFundingPlan (Debt Model) Creates a funding plan object from a list of instruments
Public methodStatic memberDMFundingPlanAverageMaturity (Debt model) Return average time to maturity of drawn debt for a funding plan object as of a given date.
Public methodStatic memberDMFundingPlanCashFlowReport (Debt model) Return a cash flow report of interest expenses
Public methodStatic memberDMFundingPlanDebtRaising (Debt model) Return the amount of debt raising between 2 dates
Public methodStatic memberDMFundingPlanInterestExpense (Debt model) Return the expected accrued interest expense over a period of time.
Public methodStatic memberDMFundingPlanInterestExpenseReport (Debt model) Return the expected accrued interest expense over a period of time. Shown as a cash flow report with description on the cash flows.
Public methodStatic memberDMFundingPlanLiquidityProfile (Debt model) Return a simplified liquidity profile with granularity up to 10 years.
Public methodStatic memberDMFundingPlanNominalPerCurrency (Debt model) Return outstanding nominal for a funding plan object at a given date for a given filter.
Public methodStatic memberDMFundingPlanNominalPerFundingSubType (Debt model) Return outstanding nominal for a funding plan object at a given date for a given filter.
Public methodStatic memberDMFundingPlanNominalPerFundingType (Debt model) Return outstanding nominal for a funding plan object at a given date for a given filter.
Public methodStatic memberDMFundingPlanNominalPerGeography (Debt model) Return outstanding nominal for a funding plan object at a given date for a given filter.
Public methodStatic memberDMFundingPlanNominalPerRateType (Debt model) Return outstanding nominal for a funding plan object at a given date for a given filter.
Public methodStatic memberDMFundingPlanRepayments 
Public methodStatic memberDMFundingPlanRepaymentsFiltered 
Public methodStatic memberDMFundingPlanSimpleLiquidityProfile As of date
Public methodStatic memberDMFundingPlanUndrawnDebt (Debt model) Return undrawn portion of debt.
See Also